
Are you looking forward to the 2cv worldmeeting as well? Finally we can meet again after the postponing in 2021!

I have already had a taste of big 2cv gatherings at the French Nationals in St. Dizier in 2022 and Plouay this year but for most people the 2cv worldmeeting is the one and only proper meeting. And I know a lot of you had already bought tickets before 2021.

But Delémont is in Switzerland, and I don't know if you have noticed but that is not in the EU. If I want to sell my cars and jewels there I will have to import it into the country. That means a lot of administrative hassle and time and loads of money that I rather spend on making my cars (and moving! but that is a story for my next blog).

What I can do is bring some pieces and items you would like to look at. You can then order them on the spot and I will send them as soon as I get back to  Amsterdam. Find me or Guv, he is easily recognizable by the TresPrecieuxVoiture stickers on his doors.

Send me a message about what pieces you would like to see in real life in Delémont and I will bring them for your inspection. You know how to reach me; whatsapp here, e-mail or the socials. Tell me what you would like! And I may be at the fleamarket to show some items. 

See you in Delémont at the 2cv worldmeeting!!

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