The life of a goldsmith

  • Big and small events 2025

    Because 2025 is an anniversary year, the 70th birthday of the Citroen DS, I will be attending the celebration in France. I am much looking forward ...
  • Truely old cars

    Those of you who know me understand that I have an above average interest in history. It is one of the reasons I love old cars but also translates ...
  • New workshop

    It was about time that I moved out of my romantic but tiny little workshop in the attic to a professional space where I can spread out my books and...
  • Worldmeeting!!

    Are you looking forward to the 2cv worldmeeting as well? Finally we can meet again after the postponing in 2021! I have already had a taste of big ...
  • 2cv Family weekend

    This year the car event schedule is not yet back to normal. ICCCR was canceled, other events keep moving on the calender. So car life is still a bi...
  • Photoshoot

    My cars are often the reason I get to meet amazing people! A while ago Roel Siebrand contacted me through instagram, asking me if I would like to m...
  • Polishing silver

    Before events I always polish my items in a very old fashioned way. It is how I was taught to polish silver and gold by my first ever employer. Bac...
  • Bespoke car jewels are the best

    One of the things I love is a good challenge. I often get the question; can you make my car? What is cool about my job is that I can always find a ...
  • Goals

    At the moment it is hard to find motivation and drive to finish projects. I am sure you are experiencing the same thing. Housebound, no distraction...
  • My precious....

    Tres Precieux Voiture translates to very precious car and that is what I make, very precious cars out of precious metal. Lately I have been getting...
  • Inspiration

    Silver baby gift When I became an aunt for the first time I wanted to make a special baby gift for my little nephew. After a drink with a colleague...
  • Exposure

    Lack of car events Normally during this time of year I would be constantly on the move from one car event to the other. Showing my cars and jewelle...